We are now live on PancakeSwap Exchange!
Don’t miss the exclusive Powermade IDO Token Sale!
We are now live on
PancakeSwap Exchange!

The Powermade DAO is composed by many professionals sharing the same vision: create an ecosystem of different products and services, with an Academy as central point, that can be used by everyone to reach their knowledge and financial freedom. Our ecosystem will leverage cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, NFTs and network marketing, enabling new ways to learn and make business online.
The Powermade Token, PWD, is a glue inside our ecosystem, it’s a way to pay for goods and services, obtain discounts, enable benefits and participate in the DAO Governance. It can be used inside different DeFi services, like the Yield Farming and the Staking, that will generate rewards to our token holders and liquidity provider.

Tokenomy and Utility
Powermade (PWD) is a deflationary Utility Token with an interesting tokenomy and many use cases within the Powermade DAO products and services
Integrated Tokenomy
The transactions have a built-in 8% Tax that is used for 3 features: Reflection in BTCB, integrated Buyback&Burn and Automatic Liquidity. These features are coded inside the token itself and will be useful to sustain the price and the liquidity on the DEX for the long term. More the volume on the DEX, higher the effect of these functionalities.
Deflationary Economy
A part of the transaction tax will be cumulated over a period of time and automatically used to buyback the tokens from the DEX and burn them. The 3% of the transaction amount will be used for this purpose, every 1-3 months there will be a burning event, reducing the supply.
Bitcoin Reflection
A part of the transaction tax will be used to reward our holders with wrapped Bitcoins (BTCB). A minimum of 2000 PWD is needed to receive the Reflection directly in the wallet and sent every time a transaction is made (2% tax). Our loyal holders that will keep the PWD in the wallet will receive The King Cryptocurrency that everyone knows.
Discounts Everywhere
Using PWD to pay for goods and services, like the Academy and the Marketplace, will unlock discounts up to 20%, depending on the amount of token and the NFTs you hold. The Academy will be the first place where this Tokenomy will be integrated. The network marketing activity will increase the utility and the demand of the PWD token.
Go Shopping and sell goods
Buy the Marketplace gift-cards at a discount using PWD and redeem them on the shop to buy thousands of products in Italy and EU. Do you have products to sell? Use your PWD to buy B2B Marketplace Licenses and list your goods on the Marketplace. There will be also an exclusive Powermade category of products, accessible with a yearly Prime Pass.
Farming and Staking
Provide liquidity on PancakeSwap and earn daily PWD rewards depositing the LP tokens in the Farming dApp. You want to put your tokens at work without the risk of impermanent losses? Deposit your PWD in the Staking dApp and earn more PWD. Staking rewards are less than Farming rewards. The rate will decrease over time for both services.
Reach the goals
The PWD tokens will be used to reward our users when they reach some goals inside our ecosystem and our Academy. Completing courses, passing exams, reach network marketing goals. There will be also many contests, competitions, raffles to keep our community happy and active.
The DAO and the Governance
We will become an on-chain DAO in the coming years, with a hybrid governance model. There will be an executive board of members managing the funds, but a share of the power will be in hand of the token holders. We will hear your voice and you PWD will have its weight in the decision-making machine.
Infinite Possibilities
All the future DAO initiatives, products and services will leverage the PWD token in some way, creating utility and using it as a glue in the ecosystem. We will use it also for the Mini DAOs, exclusive managed funds/portfolios operated by separated DAOs, interconnected with the Powermade Ecosystem.
Token Native Features
BTCB Reflection, Automated Liquidity, Buyback&Burn
Integrated Exchange
PancakeSwap. Used Pairs: BNB/PWD, BUSD/PWD, BTCB/PWD
Token Delivery Date
1 week after closing token sale
Community Distribution
25%Soul (vested), 17% farming/staking, 7.1% Airdrops
Sale Modality
Private seed round (BUSD/USDT) + Public Whitelisted IDO (BNB)
The token supply is 14M tokens. A total amount of 3.5M of PWD tokens (25% of the supply) will be sold, 1M in the seed-round (7.1%) and 2.5M (17.9%) in the whitelisted IDO. Each allocation has a different purpose and a different vesting condition. For more details click on the bars and read the whitepaper.
Initial Lock
Vesting Rate
Seed-round participants
6 months
10% / month
Whitelisted IDO participants
1% EoS + 45 days lock
11% / 45-days
Agreements with Devs/Advisors/Partners
6 months
25% / quarter (year)
1 year
12.5% / half (year)
DAO Funds
Airdrops and Contests funds
50% unlocked at TGE
50% / year
Company (DAO) Reserve funds
1 year
25% / year
Development Funds
25% unlocked at TGE
25% / year
Partners Funds
100% unlocked at TGE
Staking and Farming
100% Locked in Stacking/Farming Smart Contracts
Bootstrap Liquidity
100% Locked for 2 years (minimum)
Commitment and security before all
Most of the DAO funds, the liquidity and the sold tokens are locked for a period of time and then released gradually (Vesting) to prevent abuses and market manipulation by both parties.
This is an exclusive private sale round, a total of 1M tokens will be manually sold at the price of 0.016$ (BUSD). The minimum allocation per person is 300 BUSD and the maximum 1000 BUSD. The tokens will be loaded inside a Vesting smart contract after the TGE and will be claimable connecting with your Metamask Wallet according to the Vesting schedule.
Whitelisted IDO
The main sale will be an Initial DEX Offering accessible only participating in the whitelisting campaign, the seats are limited. A total of 2.5M tokens will be available for sale at a fixed price of 0.0001 BNB. The Soft Cap is 200 BNB and the Hard Cap 250 BNB (unsold tokens are burned). Minimum contribution 0.2 BNB and maximum 2.8 BNB per person. The tokens will be claimable on the Launchpad according to the Vesting schedule.
Free Buy on DEX
After the IDO the token will be listed on the PancakeSwap DEX, using the 70% of the collected funds to provide the initial liquidity (locked for at least 2 years). The listing price will be 0.0002 BNB and everyone will be able to buy, without restrictions and without locking or vesting on these PWD (that can be used also to start the Yield Farming). During the first 48h of trading the Token Tax will be disabled.
Need the BNB?
BNB is the cryptocurrency needed to participate in the IDO. Don’t wait until the last minute, create a metamask wallet on a secure device, backup your seed words in a safe place, add the BSC Chain and prepare the needed BNB.
Whitepaper (ENG)
All the information about our Vision, the DAO, the ecosystem we want to create and the token sales. Read the whitepaper (English Language) to have the complete overview, the technical data and the full tokenomy of PWD.
Pitch (ITA)
A quick but complete pitch/presentation about the Powermade Ecosystem, the future products and service and the Token Sales. Less details than the Whitepaper but more useful for meetings and as marketing material. Italian Language.
Pitch (ENG)
A quick but complete pitch/presentation about the Powermade Ecosystem, the future products and service and the Token Sales. Less details than the Whitepaper but more useful for meetings and as marketing material. English Language. COMING SOON
Audit Review
Technical audit certificate of the Token Smart Contract. The audit covers the basic vulnerabilities only (security, possible exploits, centralized configuration and logics). This document is the proof that the code has been reviewed at least one time by a Security Company